Back With a Bang
After the last few months of lockdown, Motorsport UK have now advised that we can get back out on the road again organising and running our events. There are new rules, guidelines, and procedures in place all designed to allow everyone to go about their business safely.

The Competition Team returned from furlough at the start of this month and we have been working hard on the UK events for the rest of 2020 so that we can run them safely and meet all the Government and Motorsport UK Guidelines.
We have created an internal working document, having collated all the Government and Motorsport UK advice and guidelines, which now forms the HERO-ERA Covid-19 policy. This document will form the basis on which we will run our events, it covers:
- - Arriving at the start of an event
- - Scrutineering
- - Signing on
- - Start and Control procedures
- - Marshal instructions
- - Results
- - End of event protocols
As well as:
- - Hotel check in
- - Meals taken at the hotels
- - Lunches and refreshment stops
- - Awards dinners
All of these are likely to be subject to changes as further advice is provided from the Government, Motorsport UK, and the Hospitality Industry and we firmly believe that competitors and marshals alike, will embrace the new rules and allow us all to get back on the road to enjoy our sport.
Obviously, we will need to adapt to any changes that come out as time progresses. We will be circulating the detailed procedures, applicable to each event, once the close of entry date arrives. This gives us time to amend the processes in line with the changing environment.
What is evident, is that we have lots of crews who are ready to get back out there and we have seen entries trickling in over lockdown with a significant increase in the last few weeks and we are sure that the HERO-ERA pledge for this year’s rescheduled events (Novice Trial, HERO Challenge Two & Summer Trial); Should we have to cancel or postpone the event due to further restrictions then a 100% refund will be given, has been an influencing factor.
We are planning to run the following events in 2020:-
A Novice Trial - 22nd /23rd August, based in Oswestry. As of writing we have 10 entries available.
Hero Challenge Two - 5th September, based in Bicester. Although we have a full entry, we believe some crews may not decide to take up their places. So, if you are interested then join the Waitlist to be in line for a space once one becomes available.
Summer Trial - 25th- 27th September, based in Telford. which has 10 entries currently available.
Hero Challenge Three – 10th October, based in Taunton. There are currently 20 entries available.
And if you need training? Join our socially distance training on September 4th
View the HERO event schedule
The above events also require marshals. Each marshalling team must be a minimum and maximum of two people. New marshalling procedures will be issued to crews once the Chief Marshal has allocated controls. If you are available and interested please sign up via the relevant event marshal link
Also, the RAC Rally of the Tests in November and Le Jog in December have limited entries available, as does the Winter Challenge in February 2021.
The take up on the ERA long distance events has been amazing with all our longer events full with big reserve lists, we currently have a few spaces left on the Temple Rally based in Greece and Italy next May and will shortly be launching the Trans America event for September 2022.
View the ERA Event Schedule
Finally, I have to say a massive thanks to all involved in the HERO-ERA family; The team, volunteers and motorsport bodies who have offered help and advice and the way in which everyone has worked through these hard few months.
I look forward to seeing one and all back out on the road and catching up with old friends in the new socially distanced world we will live in for a while.
Guy Woodcock
Competition Director HERO-ERA
View and Download the Official Motorsport UK Latest Guidance for the Discipline of Rallying Here