HERO-ERA support two days of Bicester Scramble. June 5/6th
Despite HERO-ERA running their second rally of the year, the Summer Trial based in Telford at the same time as the Bicester Scramble, a team of keen staff lead by Director of Membership Carly Morrison remained at Bicester to open up their doors to the public for the first time on Saturday June 5th. The doors opened again on Sunday the 6th June for day two of the Scramble event at Bicester Heritage which is viewed as such an opportunity to engage with historic vehicle enthusiasts over the two days that, the HERO-ERA Chairman, Tomas de Vargas Machuca, Managing Director Patrick Burke and Hospitality Director Eleonora Piccolo were all in attendance.

*Hundreds view Arrive Drive fleet and learn of new HERO-ERA membership programme
The team also invited and provided hospitality for key VIP guests including important members of the media. Some of the guests arrived in their magnificent historic motor cars which were displayed in front of the HERO-ERA HQ including Director of Motor Racing Legends Duncan Wiltshire with his famous 1928 3 litre Bentley.
Based on the success of the Bicester Heritage Scrambles, the BH and Bicester Motion company has started its own new membership club, the Scramblers.
It is a way a way for thousands of visitors to enjoy the perfectly preserved 444-acre former WW2 RAF Bomber Training Station and access stories about car culture through the lens of the on-site specialists as they build and support the future for historic motoring.
wearescramblers.com website: home to film, beautiful photography and quality writing about Bicester Heritage and the industry it supports. We at HERO-ERA highly commend it.