HERO-ERA announce new charity they will support in 2025
*The great work of NEW INDIA CHURCH OF GOD to receive HERO-ERA support
*Events planned with the charity around the Pearl of India rally in February with NICOG.

HERO-ERA are happy to announce that the New India Church of God will be their official charity for support by the international motoring events company in 2025. In addition to HERO-ERA’s key work with historic motoring charities such as Starter Motor and the Heritage Skills Academy, the NICOG organisation is a long established and high performing religious charity in India to add to HERO-EA’s charitable support programme. In general terms the NICOG provides belief, care, hope, education and vocational training, and even an engineering company for employment.
Various events and visits from key NICOG officials will be planned before, during and after the Pearl of India rally visits the Republic of India from February 16th – March 7th 2025.
Today, the New India Church of God (NICOG) has become the fastest growing Pentecostal organisation in the nation of India. It has 4550 churches across 26 states out of 28 states of India, Nepal and the Middle East, 15 Bible Colleges, 17 Orphanages, 8 Educational schools, 85 Sewing Schools for women and 1 Engineering College.
The charity provided the following information regarding their establishment and history:
The sister organisation to the NICOGUK, the New India Church of God (NICOG), was established through ‘Church Planting’ in the nation of India, and this is its main focus to this day. NICOG in accordance to God`s plan has become the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ in many areas of serving and spreading the Love of Christ practically to thousands of people in villages, towns and cities of India. Through them, the Gospel is preached. The downtrodden in Society are served, fed and clothed. The disenfranchised are helped, and the poor are educated and empowered to obtain a sustainable, profitable livelihood.
This organisation was started in 1976 by two unknown young men called by God to transform a nation. Today it spans the length and breadth of the entire nation of India. It is the prayer of Pastor R Abraham and Pastor V A Thampy to see their Vision of the nation of India changed by accepting God`s unconditional Love, becoming a living reality.
Pastor Abraham's Story
The story and journey of Pastor R Abraham`s Faith in Christ began in August of 1968 at the age of 15 years, in a Gospel Crusade in Kerala. This is where he accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour and decided to dedicate his entire life to serving God, fulfilling his God given assignment. In the following years he was educated, attaining a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. The expectation of his Father and family members for him was, after graduating, that he would look for a well-paid job. Instead, he heard the call of God upon his life to serve the Lord and decided to give up his job and ambitions of pursuing a secular career in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Pastor R Abraham followed the call of God into full time ministry and this radical decision resulted in the birth of a church movement that spans 26 states of India and Nepal. His life’s dedication and commitment to go into the ministry has borne fruit as he has faithfully followed the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first step in fulfilling the vision & mission was the establishment of New India Church of God (NICOG) which was co-founded under the leadership of Pastor R Abraham and Pastor V A Thampy in 1976 in Kerala, Southern India.
Then in 1980, God called Pastor R Abraham to extend His work in to the North of India, so he together with his newly wedded wife Joyce moved to the Capital City of New Delhi. As Pastor R Abraham and Joyce settled in New Delhi, North India it was like a foreign land to them, as they neither understood the language nor the culture. The climate was different along with the food and dress. To make things worse there was also severe persecution of Christians in North India. Despite the opposition, God enabled Pastor R Abraham together with Joyce and a team of dedicated Pastors to establish 300 churches within 10 years in Northern India and thus confirming the call of God on their life and ministry.
With their journey and life story still continuing on, “there is so much left to be done and so many more Lost Souls to reach" says Pastor R Abraham.