Smallest ever car on P2P makes it preparations for the biggest motoring endurance event on the planet

We will follow the build up and the progress of the smallest ever production car in the world as the Italian entry from San Marino attempts to finish the historic 14,500 km 37 day event. Veteran Italian journalist Roberto Chiodi, writer for many outlets including the famous Italian newspaper La Repubblica, is part of the team using all his experience as a multiple Peking to Paris competitor himself.
Please enjoy the first of several reports:
TGCOM24 | Pechino-Parigi, San Marino parteciperà per la prima volta con una Fiat 500:
Rtv San Marino | "Cinquecento emozioni, un solo viaggio" San Marino alla conquista della Pechino- Parigi:
firstonline | From Beijing to Paris in a Fiat 500, starting on May 20th: