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HERO Challenge One

A One-Day Rally

Starts In
Start & Finish Date
Length of Route
Distance Travelled (Miles)
Vehicle Eligibility
Pre 1991
Entry Level
Entry Level
Exp. No. of Tests
Exp. No. of Regularities
Heritage & Premier Entry Fee
Club Member Entry Fee
HERO-ERA Cup Co-Efficient

Are you under the age of 35? Are you the driver? Enjoy a 30% discount on the entry fee. Enquire here.

[HERO-ERA Training Academy – Green & Blue Events]

The popular HERO Challenge series returns for 2025 with the first round being based in the Peak District using the Casa Hotel in Chesterfield as the starting point and with the assistance and help of Steve Perez we will have a good selection of tests plus the Peak district roads on a weekend before it gets too busy in the season.

The event will follow the normal format for a HERO Challenge with scrutineering on the Friday afternoon and evening. Saturday morning will see competitors departing for a full day’s competition in and around the Peak before heading back for the finish and prize giving.

*This year sees the Master’s Class dropped from all HERO-ERA events having, in the opinion of the team, ran its course and will allow all crews to compete for the overall honours once again.

Main Event Sponsor

Main Event Sponsor

Event Schedule

Day 0

Scrutineering & Documentation | 21 March 2025

Scrutineering and Documentation is scheduled as usual on Friday afternoon/early evening allowing crews plenty of time to travel.

Day 1

Rally Day - 22 March 2025

The event starts with a brace of tests close the start location before heading out into the quiet roads of the area with a couple of regularities before a quick halt for a coffee and then heading further into it the region and crossing the border into Staffordshire for some further tests. A scenic route across some of the quieter areas of the Peaks take crews through two more regularity sections before the lunch stop is planned at a local highlight before the return journey east takes us through more tests and regularities back to the final tests and finish area.

The majority of crews will be back to finish  before 5:30pm affording the opportunity to head home in good time after the awards presentation.

Vehicle Information

  • Entry is open to cars of a model type available pre-1991
  • The cars will be split into classes, based on age and cc or other criteria established by the organisers

What is included in the Entry Fee?

  • Event participation for one eligible car with a crew of two – Driver & Navigator
  • Detailed Route Book & Time Cards
  • Lunch and Prize Giving Buffet Dinner for each crew member along with refreshments at specific locations advised in the route book
  • Awards presentation
  • One souvenir rally plate
  • Two side number panels
  • Overall awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  • Class Awards to third in class – if there are three or more crews per class
  • Special awards at organisers discretion
  • HERO-ERA mechanical assist/sweep team(s) on event, to help keep crews moving
  • An experienced team of HERO-ERA officials & marshals to keep the event moving and on track
  • Results team and Media team keeping your family and friends, following the event, up to date
  • Post event, detailed results book
Arrive & Drive Scheme

Need a car?

The Arrive & Drive scheme allows you to compete should your car be unavailable or, if you are looking to purchase a similar model in the future it gives you the chance to get to know your prospective purchase. We have a wide and varied range of vehicles to suit everyone's taste.

Need a car?
Highlights Video

HERO Challenge One 2024 Rally Highlights

Watch the HERO Challenge One 2024 Rally Highlights Video here

HERO Challenge One 2024 Rally Highlights

Entry List

Adrian Hart (GB)Ivor Bennett (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Alan Selwood (GB)Mike Jones (GB)1972Volkswagen Beetle1600
Alex Harborne (GB)TBC1965Mercedes 230 SL Pagoda2306
Andrew Leslie (GB)TBC1969Lotus Elan +21558
Andy Simpson (GB)Roger Bricknell (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Anthony Cohen (GB)Robert Cohen (GB)1968Triumph TR52496
Bron Burrell (GB)Suzanne Barker (GB)1969Austin Maxi1750
Cameron Hunt (GB)Rachel Hunt (GB)1970MG B1850
Chris Lacey (GB)Geoff Lloyd (GB)1967MG B GT1850
Chris Welch (GB)Norman Garland (GB)1985VW Golf GTI Mk 21781
Christopher Day (GB)Claire Day (GB)1968Morris Mini Cooper S1310
Clive Evans (IE)Chris Clark (GB)1973Porsche 9142056
Colin Jebson (GB)John Barber (GB)1966Volvo Amazon 122S1780
Colin Tombs (GB)Alex Metcalfe (GB)1974MGB Roadster1800
Daniel Sutherland (GB)Tom Gill (GB)1975Triumph TR 73500
Darell Staniforth (GB)Richard Ekin (GB)1973Toyota Corolla1588
Dave Batchelor (GB)Jackie Batchelor (GB)1962Triumph TR42290
Dave Elson (GB)Richard Warner (GB)1971MG BGT1800
Dave Maryon (GB)Henry Carr (GB)1966MG B Roadster1798
David Bundy (GB)Debbie Bundy (GB)1972Triumph 2.5 Mk 2 PI2500
David Coxon (GB)Peter Hawkins (GB)1966Austin Healey Mk3 BJ83000
David Edwards (GB)Colin Sutton (GB)1991Rover 216 GTi TC1598
David Hewitt (GB)Daniel Hewitt (GB)1960Austin Healey 3000 MKI BN72912
David Julian Hogg (GB)John Beastall (GB)1967MG BGT1840
David Roberts (GB)TBC1983Volkswagen Golf GTi Mk 11780
Dick Baines (GB)Harry Baines (GB)1965Austin Mini Cooper S1275
Doug Carmichael (GB)1972MG B1800
Douglas Fuller (GB)Joseph Somerville (GB)1989Peugeot 205 GTI1905
Ed Linton (GB)Martin Phaff (GB)1967Hillman Imp1040
Eoin Boland (IE)Anthony Boland (IE)TBCTBCTBC
Gavin Webster (GB)Jessica Webster (GB)1965Jaguar Mk 23800
George Haxby (GB)Mike Rands (GB)1971Ford Escort Mexico1598
Graeme Bolt (GB)Caroline Bolt (GB)TBCTBCTBC
James Cross (GB)Jason Cross (GB)1970Alfa Romeo Gt Junior
James Darwent (GB)Sarah Darwent (GB)1965Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GT1570
James Holt (GB)Alistair Leckie (GB)1989BMW 325i2495
James Thomas (GB)Roland Thomas (GB)1977British Leyland Mini 1275 GT1293
Jane Green (GB)Nick Green (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Jason Reay (GB)Rachel Miller (GB)1963Austin Healey 3000 Mk II2995
Jason Stone (GB)Daniel Stone (GB)1977Ford Escot1993
Jeff Hooley (GB)Ian Hooley (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Jeff Wincott (GB)Noel Murphy (GB)1967Austin A401275
Jeffrey Clark (GB)Claire Clark (GB)1969MG CGT2912
John Clarke (GB)Ken Dobbs (GB)TBCTBCTBC
John Croft (GB)Aileen Croft (IE)1968Gilbern GT1800
John Dickson (GB)TBC1978Lancia Monte Carlo1995
John Fort (GB)Howard Atkins (GB)1985Volkswagen Golf GTi1781
John Lomas (GB)Natasha Lomas (GB)1936Riley Sprite1500
Jon Dunning (GB)Pete Johnson (IM)1980Ford Escort RS20001997
Jon Harvey (GB)Steven Brown (GB)1985Volkswagen Golf GTI1781
Jon Martin (GB)Evan Martin (GB)1959Austin Healey 30002981
Jonathan Shepherd (GB)Imogen Shepherd (GB)1986BMW 325i2494
Julian Adams (GB)Grant Edwards (GB)1975Ford Escort RS 2000 Mk21998
Laurence Lindley (GB)Peter Kendall (GB)1974Porsche 9112700
Lee Clarke (GB)Cathie Clarke (GB)1968Austin Mini Cooper1400
Les McGuffog (GB)Tim Sawyer (GB)1961Austin Healey 3000 Mk22912
Les Searle (GB)Denise Searle (GB)1987Peugeot 205 1.6 GTI1580CC
Mark Davies (GB)Andy Hamer (GB)1963Volvo Amazon1800
Mark Lillington (GB)Mark Bramall (GB)1965MG B1798
Martin Ashby (GB)Amanda Ashby (GB)1962Triumph TR42138
Martin Payton (GB)Paul Aram (GB)1963Volvo PV 5441998
Mathew Evans (GB)Tayler Simkins (GB)1967Hillman Imp998
Matthew Boland (IE)Anthony James Boland (IE)TBCTBCTBC
Matthew Bradley (GB)TBC1962Volvo PV5441789
Michael Kent (GB)Richard Burdon (GB)1979Talbot Sunbeam 1.6 Ti1598
Michael Moss (GB)Andrew Duerden (GB)1985Volkswagen Golf GTI Mk21800
Michael Rodel (GB)TBC1974Mercedes W115 230.42307
Mick Valentine (GB)Zac Valentine (GB)1978Ford Escort Mk II1998
Mike Dixon (GB)Liz Dixon (GB)1973MG B GT1800
Nick Haycock (GB)Paul Heaven (GB)1976Ford Escort RS 2000 Mk21993
Nigel Grice (GB)Simon Williams (GB)1956Aston Martin DB2/4 Mk ll2922
Owen Tyson (GB)Jill Tyson (GB)1965Morris Mini Cooper S1293
Paul Bloxidge (GB)Phil Cottam (GB)1972Alfa Romeo 2000 GT Veloce1962
Paul Crawford (IE)TBC1961Volvo PV5441800
Paul Sanders (GB)TBC1971MG Midget1275
Paul Wells (GB)Phil Wells (GB)1967MG B Roadster1950
Peter Fletcher (GB)Janet Fletcher (GB)1964Morris Minor 10001275
Peter Myles (GB)TBC1984Porsche 9113200
Phil Walker (GB)Jackie Walker (GB)1980MG B GT1860
Richard De Watts (GB)Arati De Watts (IN)1973MG B1798
Robert Carr (GB)Timothy Carr (GB)1972Sunbeam Imp Sport1040
Roger Osborne (GB)Barbara Osborne (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Stephen Chick (GB)Alex Chick (GB)1979Datsun 260Z2600
Stephen Hardwick (GB)Ian Riley (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Stephen Owens (GB)Iain Tullie (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Steve Allen (GB)Robert Ellis (GB)1968Volvo Amazon 122S1800
Steve Farmer (GB)Philip McNeelance (GB)1967Volvo Amazon 123GT1800
Steve Robertson (GB)Julia Robertson (GB)1974MG BGT V83528
Steve Sly (GB)Kate Sly (GB)1980Austin Morris Mini 1275GT1275
Tom Ebdon (GB)Andy Ebdon (GB)TBCTBCTBC
Tom McDonogh (IE)Patrick Neville (IE)1967Volvo 144S1780
William Coppock (GB)Simon Coppock (GB)1983Mercedes-Benz 280E2746

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